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Aluminium rolling grilles

Wichtige Produktmerkmale

Bis 9,5 x 6 m
Möglichkeit der Lackierung nach RAL‑Farbmuster
Geringes Gewicht

Aluminium rolling grilles

Product Description

With their universality, rolling aluminium grilles are the most suitable solution for closing a majority of building openings. The most common use is the protection of shop windows and shop entrances or in garages where ventilation is needed.  

The rolling grilles are maintanance-free. They are made of highly firm AlMgSi aluminium alloy with die-cut openings. In the standard design, the grills are zinc-plated but they can be painted in any shade of your choice from the RAL sampler. 

The biggest advantage is their low weight and reduced noise during movement.

Recommended dimensions by manufacturer up to 9,5 x 6 m (W x H).

Control options

  • remote, with an option of control by means of a button from inside
  • only by means of a button from inside or by a key switch from outside
  • combination of control both from inside and outside
  • protection of the closing edge by means of a contact ledge
  • protective photocells
  • protection against pulling upwards
  • detection of vehicle presence by means of an induction loop
  • semaphore control of driving directions

Aluminium rolling grilles


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